
The Client

Noresco is a leading energy service company in the U.S. that was founded in 1984. Noresco partners with contractors to implement energy saving solutions for government agencies, municipalities, universities, and commercial businesses. Through a variety of design-build and performance-based contracting, Noresco can offer energy and maintenance savings for existing facilities. Noresco also offers energy efficiency and sustainable design consulting to optimize overall energy performance in new construction projects.

APM partnered with Noresco to optimize energy efficiency and save on costs for the City of Waterbury, Connecticut. On this project, APM was able to service the steam systems for 17 public schools and a municipal building in Waterbury as a subcontractor to Noresco.

The Steam System

Surveying a large system across a city involved looking at over 1,200 steam traps, isolation valves and pressure reducing valves across 20 different buildings. The steam system was primarily used for heating and often had traps located in classrooms and academic offices, which required coordinating access with the local staff.

Looking for savings around town

The Noresco project at the City of Waterbury had APM surveying and performing repairs throughout an entire school system and a municipal building. While conducting the survey on each facility was relatively straightforward, the project required careful logistics to coordinate access with local superintendents, deliver the correct parts to each facility, and deploy the right staff to every building. On a project of this scale, APM brings together every department to make sure that data, logistics and billing records are in alignment and ready to be reviewed regularly by our ESCO partners.

ESCO projects such as the one at the City of Waterbury, typically involve multiple energy efficiency measures such as improvements in lighting, building envelope, water usage, automation and much more. The payback period of every energy savings measure ranges from a few months to a few years. Since ESCOs’ compensation is frequently performance-based, they are focused in ensuring that the energy savings produced by the project as a whole are within their forecasted savings. Steam trap surveys and repair projects tend to have payback periods under 12 months, helping our ESCO partners lower the average payback period for the project.

Steam Trap Repair projects have on average a payback period of 7.4 months, increasing the savings delivered by the typical ESCO project.

APM has the internal systems and processes to document in detail every project as needed to facilitate execution on ESCO projects, and we have a track-record of delivering successfully a variety of projects on steam systems. Please contact us to discuss how APM can deliver on the steam portion of your system wide energy efficiency project.