APM warehouse
APM works with all parts manufacturers and can help locate and provide steam trap parts for just about any project.

Parts Orders

Order steam parts from us.

APM is an independent, manufacturer-agnostic, steam energy efficiency company. We will never try to push or persuade your facility into buying a specific manufacturer of steam parts. Order your parts seamlessly through our order system. Simply submit a CSV or Excel sheet with the necessary information below and we can order, label, and ship the parts to your facility, eliminating all guesswork when the parts arrive.

Benefits of ordering parts through APM:

  • Ease of Use – Simple ordering process and labeled parts makes replacing your steam traps easy.

  • Independent – APM sources parts from all major steam trap manufacturers.

  • Experience – With 20 years of steam trap data, APM can recommend the right trap for the right application.

To submit a quote request for a parts order, the following information is required on an Excel or CSV file:

  • Manufacturer
  • Model
  • Maximum Operating Pressure (PMO)
  • Pipe Size
  • Connection Type

For labeling of parts at no additional cost, please include the following with the required information:

  • Unique ID of Trap
  • Building Name
  • Floor
  • Room
  • Location (example: behind the wall, back left corner)
  • Elevation from the floor: 0′-5′, 5′-10′, 10′-15′

APM can also conduct an energy analysis of your steam system at an additional cost if the following information is given:

  • Failure Type: Blowing, Leaking, Plugged
  • Type of Trap (example: Thermodynamic, Float & Thermostatic, etc.)

To learn more about the energy analysis report, or additional services APM can provide, please contact us, or visit our clients page to see examples of our work.